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Two String Kites

Points. A Two String Kite is a single-digit solving technique that uses two right angle strong links weakly connected at one end. The connection forms the kite and the two strong links make the strings. A Skyscraper is a type of Turbot Fish, or length 5 loop. With 2 strong links and 3 cover links, it has a rank of 1 and is chain-like. It is logically equivalent to a Skyscraper.


Two String Kite. Example 1 is a theoretical drawing of a perfect two string kite. It works like a very simple chain.


In terms of implications:


5r1c7  => r6c7<>5

r1c7<>5 => 5r1c3 => r3c1<>5 => 5r6c1 =>  r6c7<>5


In terms of truths and covers, 2 truths + 3 covers imply any candidate covered by two links can be eliminated. Thus  r6c7<>5





Grouped Two String Kite. Example 2 is a theoretical drawing of a perfect grouped two string kite. It works just like the ordinary two string kite except the connection of the strings to the kite contain multiple candidates. Since the extra candidates are covered by the same box the logic works the same as the ordinary two string kite.


In terms of truths and covers, 2 truths + 3 covers imply any candidate covered by two links can be eliminated. Thus  r6c7<>5

Crossed Two String Kite. Example 3 is a theoretical drawing of a crossed two string kite. It works like the ordinary two string kite except the strings are crossed.


In terms of truths and covers, 2 truths + 3 covers imply any candidate covered by two links can be eliminated. Thus  r6c7<>5

Two String Kite. Example 4 is a perfect two string kite from a puzzle.


Crossed Two String Kite. Example 5 is a perfect two string kite from a puzzle.