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Locked Pairs

Points. A Locked Pair is a Naked Pair where both cells are in a box line intersection. Because the cells (truths) are covered by both a line and a box, it can cause eliminations in both. This is a classic example of a truth that can be covered in more than one way.



Locked Pair, Rows. The two cells in box 5 are also locked in row 5, thus eliminating both digit 1 and digit 8 in both the box and the row.

Locked Pair,  Columns. The two cells in box 7 are also locked in column 6, thus eliminating both digit 2 and digit 7 in both the box and the column.

Locked Pair,  Columns. The two cells in box 9 are also locked in column 8, thus eliminating both digit 2 and digit 8 in both the box and the column. The link to candidates graphic option is off.