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A cell with candidates

Highlight, elimination zone

Candidate contained in logic

Assigned candidate

Eliminated candidate

Theoretical Elimination

The 8 ball (but not used)

End link (column)

End link (box)

Single candidate truth (red)


Row, truth

Row, link

Column, truth

Column, link

Cell link

Cell truth

Box truth

Box link

Box truth, corner

Box, link, corner






Quick Guide

Broad lines are to show truths and links.
Colors: red=ROW, green=COLUMN, blue=CELL, brown(tan)=BOX.
Truths (base sets) are solid colors.
Links: (cover sets) are light or transparent colors.
Links in 3D are solid white (all types).

Singles or links connected to 1 node are short stubs extending in 2 directions.
Sets and links only connect candidates in the logic structure, unless noted.

Optionally, an eliminatee can be shown contained in all eliminating links.
Candidates are medium gray cubes (3D) or numbered circles (2D), orange=eliminated, green= assigned, deep red=eliminated within a structure. Candidates are highlighted white when viewing candidate permutations.
Optional highlights (comments usually included)
1. Set zones: highlight an entire truth or link, colors are the same as the link, or black for truths..
2. Elimination zones: highlight individual candidate elimination zones with squares (or cubes in 3D) yellow or pale blue.
2D grids are 2D projections of 3D drawings, a tan box highlight in 2D could be 1, 2, or more highlighted box truths in 3D.
Truths and links will sometimes overlap in 2D, box links are slightly larger than other links to help show overlap.

Other highlights:
1. Rank 0 (or saturated) links are sometimes highlighted black for emphasis.

3. Yellow and purple are sometimes used to show the rank value of links.


Referring to truths and links


The upper case letters RCNB are used to refer to truths rows, columns, cells, and boxes respectivly. Lower case letters rcnb usually refer to links or cover sets.Lower case letters refer to links


R(row, digit),   C(column, digit), N(row, column),  B(box, digit)  truths

r(row, digit),   c(column, digit), n(row, column),  b(box, digit) links


These are sometimes written with swapped digits.


(digit)R(row), (digit)C(column, digit), (row)N(column),  (digit)B(box) truths

(digit)r(row), (digit)c(column, digit), (row)n(column),  (digit)b(box) links


Groups like c51, c53, and c59 are often written as c5(139).



Notation for eliminations


The base and cover sets for logic are sometimes written as:


{R46 C5(139) C76 N23 N3(12)} r26*c56 => r2c5 <> 6.

which is of the form:


{list of covering links}<overlap links> => <assignments> or <eliminations>


In some cases <overlap links> are replaced with a list of covering links:


Rank1: {R46 C5(139) C76 N23 N3(12)}, {r26 r3(16) c66 n(146)5 b1(45)} => r2c5 <> 6.